Unit Converter Plus - Довольно прост и удобен этот
популярный конвертер с удобным и приятным интерфейсом.
Currency conversions for 165 countries (vs 60 in the original).
NEW - Ability to search for unit by name and show all categories that unit is found in.
The ability to create custom units for nearly every category. (So if a unit is missing and you know the conversion factor you can add it yourself).
There are a few categories that do not currently allow for custom units... please email me if you have questions.
A new Calculator section with a Tip Calculator and a simple 4 function calculator.
More preference options including setting the initial start up screen (to be able to jump to your favorite section automatically) and the option to show results in scientific notation.
The ability to search and filter units in the drop-down list.
Optimized to be faster and more efficient.
Works with Android 2.3 and has Apps2SD for Froyo (and above).
Скачать с Google Play Unit_Converter_Plus_v1.4.5.10_lenov.ru.apk [2.46 Mb] (cкачиваний: 782)