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Romance Club - åù¸ îäèí îòëè÷íûé ïðîåêò, ÷òî ïðåäñòàâëÿåò ñîáîé ñáîðíèê ðîìàíòè÷åñêèõ èñòîðèé ñ ýëåìåíòàìè âûáîðà â ðåøàþùèå ìîìåíòû. Âñ¸ ýòî íàïðÿìóþ âëèÿåò íà ðàçâèòèå è ôèíàë ëþáîé èç ìíîãî÷èñëåííûõ ïîâåñòâîâàíèé. Ðàçíîîáðàçèå ñþæåòîâ ïîðàäóåò âñåõ êòî ëþáèò íå òîëüêî ñòàíäàðòíóþ ñîâðåìåííîñòü, íî è ðàçëè÷íûå ôýíòåçèéíûå ìèðû, áóäóùåå, ìèñòèêó, ïóòåøåñòâèÿ â ïðîøëîå è ïðî÷èå êëàññè÷åñêèå ìåñòîïîëîæåíèÿ äëÿ ýòîãî æàíðà. Êðàñèâàÿ ãðàôèêà, êà÷åñòâåííî ïðîðàáîòàííûå ïåðñîíàæè, ïðèÿòíûå êà÷åñòâà è îñîáåííîñòè, ÷òî íåïðèâû÷íû äëÿ ïîäîáíîãî ãåéìïëåÿ è ìíîãîå äðóãîå íàäîëãî óâëå÷¸ò âñåõ ôàíàòîâ ïåðåæèâàíèé.

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Google Play

Îðèãèíàëüíàÿ âåðñèÿ
romance-club-v1.0.34310-lenov.ru.apk [66.53 Mb] (cêà÷èâàíèé: 853)

Ìîä ìåíþ
romance-club-v1.0.34310-mod-menu-lenov.ru.apk [65.86 Mb] (cêà÷èâàíèé: 1914)

Îïèñàíèå ìîäà:
Ìîä ìåíþ
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  • Ïðîñìîòðîâ: 1 473 287
  • Îòçûâîâ: 234

    • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxedsmirk

  1. Ãîñòü zilan 28 ñåíòÿáðü 2024, 17:34
    Êîãäà ïðèäåò ÷àéíûé òðþê â êëóáå ðîìàíòèêè? Ïðîøëî óæå íåñêîëüêî ìåñÿöåâ, ïî÷åìó îí íå ïðèõîäèò???
  2. Tilya 10 àâãóñò 2024, 09:09
    Although the mode seems to be closed, the scenes with diamonds are covered with random words as if they were open. Please update.
  3. . 9 àâãóñò 2024, 15:07
    Ó ìåíÿ îäíîé ìîä íå ðàáîòàåò, ÿ âêëþ÷àþ âñå, à àëìàçû òðàòÿòñÿ âñ¸ ðàâíî
  4. Òàòüÿíà 3 èþëü 2024, 15:44
    Ó ìåíÿ âñå ðàâíî ñíèìåò êðèñòàëëû
  5. Mell 28 èþíü 2024, 13:24
    Modu indiriyorum ama y?kle dedi?imde y?klenmiyor ne yapabilirim yard?m eder misiniz?
  6. Dani 27 èþíü 2024, 15:49
    Öèòàòà: Edanur
    Hesap Facebook a ba?lanm?yor l?tfen yard?m

    Öèòàòà: Dani
    Apparently they already fixed it, I tried with a new account and the diamonds are intact. Thank you very much ?

    Facebook a nas?l ba?land?n?z?

    Connecting to the Facebook account I got that error. Currently the mod is working fine for me but when I put it in the background to consult guides the mod icon disappears and I have to restart the app and that's it.
  7. Dani 27 èþíü 2024, 15:47
    Öèòàòà: Edanur
    Hesap Facebook a ba?lanm?yor l?tfen yard?m

    Öèòàòà: Dani
    Apparently they already fixed it, I tried with a new account and the diamonds are intact. Thank you very much ?

    Facebook a nas?l ba?land?n?z?

    I had problems at first connecting to my Facebook account, so I uninstalled it and when I installed it again I immediately connected to the Facebook account, and it worked for me
    Âíèìàíèå! Ó Âàñ íåò ïðàâ äëÿ ïðîñìîòðà ñêðûòîãî òåêñòà.

    Öèòàòà: Edanur
    Hesap Facebook a ba?lanm?yor l?tfen yard?m

    Öèòàòà: Dani
    Apparently they already fixed it, I tried with a new account and the diamonds are intact. Thank you very much ?

    Facebook a nas?l ba?land?n?z?

    But I didn't know how to tell you why that error occurred, it happened to me too but it was solved as I told you. I got that error because I played first without associating an account to use diamonds and then when I tried +
  8. Aa 27 èþíü 2024, 13:44
    The menu mod works! But whenever I try to open it on parallel apps it crashes and won't open. Does it happen to anyone else?
    It worries me because I play on several accounts for the different branches and I don't want to lose them
  9. Edanur 27 èþíü 2024, 02:08
    Hesap Facebook a ba?lanm?yor l?tfen yard?m

    Öèòàòà: Dani
    Apparently they already fixed it, I tried with a new account and the diamonds are intact. Thank you very much ?

    Facebook a nas?l ba?land?n?z?
  10. 2 _cherry_4 26 èþíü 2024, 20:56
    ×òîáû çàðàáîòàëî, óäàëèòå ñòàðóþ âåðñèþ è ñêà÷àéòå ýòó. ×òîáû ñîõðàíèòü ïðîãðåññ âîéäèòå ÷åðåç UID è ïðèäóìàéòå ïàðîëü.
  11. Lara 26 èþíü 2024, 20:42
    Öèòàòà: Sibel
    Facebook hesab?m ile giri? yapam?yorum??

    Bende giri? yapamam??t?m orjinali indirip Facebook hesab?na girip ayarlar k?sm?ndan ?ifre ile giri? yapa basarak kay?t oldum ondan sonra silip mod s?r?s?n? indirip ?ifre ile giri? yapt?m ve ?u anda mod s?r?s? ?al???yor
  12. Doshik 26 èþíü 2024, 20:25
    Ìíå ïèøåò âñå òîæå "Ïèøåò "Ïðèëîæåíèå íå óñòàíîâëåíî, òàê êàê åãî ïàêåò íåäåéñòâèòåëüíûì (íàïðèìåð, ïîâðåæä¸í)"
  13. Narfi 26 èþíü 2024, 19:51
    íåâîçìîæíî ñêà÷àòü
  14. Sibel 26 èþíü 2024, 19:30
    Facebook hesab?m ile giri? yapam?yorum??
  15. I 26 èþíü 2024, 19:16
    I still can't log in with Facebook
  16. Ëóíà 26 èþíü 2024, 17:45
    Ñëåòåë ïðîãðåññ??
  17. Dani 26 èþíü 2024, 17:42
    Apparently they already fixed it, I tried with a new account and the diamonds are intact. Thank you very much ?
  18. Òàòüÿíà 26 èþíü 2024, 00:15
    Öèòàòà: Doshik
    Ïèøåò "Ïðèëîæåíèå íå óñòàíîâëåíî, òàê êàê åãî ïàêåò íåäåéñòâèòåëüíûì (íàïðèìåð, ïîâðåæä¸í). "
    Èëè ÿ ÷òî-òî íå òî äåëàþ?

    Òîæå ñàìîå. ß î÷åíü ðàññòðîåíà.
  19. Doshik 25 èþíü 2024, 22:01
    Ïèøåò "Ïðèëîæåíèå íå óñòàíîâëåíî, òàê êàê åãî ïàêåò íåäåéñòâèòåëüíûì (íàïðèìåð, ïîâðåæä¸í). "
    Èëè ÿ ÷òî-òî íå òî äåëàþ?
  20. Ãîñòü Ale 25 èþíü 2024, 14:17
    The mod doesn't work, I was excited at first about the new update and at the end of a chapter I realized that I had lost half of my diamonds :(, please don't download it
  21. mona 25 èþíü 2024, 14:01
    give us the fcking mod.
  22. A. 25 èþíü 2024, 13:52
    Faktycznie mimo memu mod pobiera diamenty, trzeba to poprawi? prosz? ?
  23. Aa 25 èþíü 2024, 13:09
    The menu mod is made by androeed and they have a message that says the game was removed at the developers' request so I don't think we're getting the mod anymore ?
  24. Lara 25 èþíü 2024, 11:57
    The mod doesnt work the only thing it does is removing the writing of the amount of diamond
    That's why l thought the mod worked perfectly and was happy to see the writings after choosing the diamond options until the"you don't have enough diamond" notice came ?I wasted my diamonds for nothing
  25. Laura 25 èþíü 2024, 00:31
    Guys, let's not waste our time here, they clearly can't make mods anymore. They install fake mods to avoid losing money.
  26. AA 24 èþíü 2024, 20:55
    Stop fake updating and give us an explanation
  27. miu 24 èþíü 2024, 20:25
    not working at all... please fix it

    niye calismiyosun?butun elmaslarimi harcadim siz getirene kadar ya

    ayrica reklam icin de calismiyor?
  28. Tilya 24 èþíü 2024, 19:12
    It doesn't work
  29. alice 24 èþíü 2024, 18:17
    mod menu isn't working it took my diamonds even though it was open ????? please upload a proper mod
  30. alice 24 èþíü 2024, 18:16
    Öèòàòà: Leyl
    Öèòàòà: alice

    Does the cheat work?

    Unfortunately, we were deceived again
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8