Ãëàâíàÿ » Èãðû » Àðêàäû » Attack of the Wall St. Titan v 1.12

Attack of the Wall St. Titan v 1.12

Attack of the Wall St. Titan – Ðàçðàáîò÷èêè áîëüøîãî ðîáîòà ðàññ÷èòàëè, ÷òî ïðè ïîìîùè åãî îíè íàêîíåö ïðèâåäóò ïîðÿäîê äîëãîæäàííûé äëÿ íà÷àëà â ãîðîäå íó à ïîòîì è íà âñåé ñòðàíå, èñêîðåíÿÿ ïðåñòóïíîñòè ïîëíîñòüþ! Íî äîâîëüíî óìíûé õàêåð ñìîã ñëîìàòü ñèñòåìû çàùèò è ïîëó÷àòü ïîëíåéøèé êîíòðîëü íàä ýòîé îãðîìíîé ìàøèíîé, ïîñëå ýòîãî îí óòðîèë õàîñ, êàêîé ãîðîæàíàì íå ñíèëñÿ è â ñàìîì ñòðàøíîì ñíå!

Attack of the Wall St. Titan v 1.12

Attack of the Wall St. Titan v 1.12

Attack of the Wall St. Titan v 1.12

Attack of the Wall St. Titan v 1.12

Attack of the Wall St. Titan v 1.12

Attack of the Wall St. Titan v 1.12

Attack of the Wall St. Titan v 1.12

Attack of the Wall St. Titan v 1.12

Attack of the Wall St. Titan v 1.12

Attack of the Wall St. Titan v 1.12

Attack of the Wall St. Titan v 1.12

Attack of the Wall St. Titan v 1.12

Attack of the Wall St. Titan v 1.12

Attack of the Wall St. Titan v 1.12

Google Play

attack-of-the-wall-st.-titan-v1.12.lenov.ru.apk [48.99 Mb] (cêà÷èâàíèé: 367)

Ìû â òåëåãðàì

Ïîäïèøèòåñü íà íàøó ãðóïïó Âêîíòàêòå




  • Ïðîñìîòðîâ: 5 174
  • Îòçûâîâ: 0

Êëþ÷åâûå òåãè:
Wall Titan Attack

    • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxedsmirk